since you died
they have been long years
and every day I have missed you
Your birthday is coming
and my heart weighs a little bit more
Funny (or sad) how
you just don't know
quite how much
someone really means to you
until you don't get to see them again
I will always remember
your surprise trip down to see me
the tentative phone call
when you came home on leave
when you came home on leave
and the trouble we managed to get into
when I headed up your way
for a little more time together
for a little more time together
before you went back
the following week
I remember so many things
but that was the last time
I saw you, touched you,
looked in your eyes
I saw you, touched you,
looked in your eyes
The late night phone call
from the desert
once you were gone again
once you were gone again
You were missing me
and I cried
I wake up with a start
and I cried
I wake up with a start
in the still and quiet dark
expecting you
hearing your voice on the line
hearing your voice on the line
gone back to Afghanistan
no matter how much you wanted to
and felt it to be the right thing
I hate that dusty place I've never seen
for taking you away
I hate that dusty place I've never seen
for taking you away
But like you always said,
it is what it is right?
And being what it is,
I just wanted you to know
that I'm still missing you