Believing in the Magic
A friend posted something on her page about the slip from her mom that confirmed for her that Santa wasn't real, and it got me to thinking about my own story... My parents wanted me to belive, they did their best to spin the holiday magic and never said a word, but my need to control and in be in-the-know about everything made it so that I could no longer believe in the magic of Christmas...
Being particularly snoopy (even when I was little!), I always used to search the house for presents my mom had hidden. They were hidden in the closets up on the shelf, under the bed, in the pantry, sometimes in the trunk of the car. I was relentless really, there was nowhere I wouldn't find them. I don't know what started this manic frenzy every year. Sometimes I would coax the tape off to find out what was hidden beneath the wrapping, sometimes it was enough just to hold them and shake them and put them back. I never knew if my mom knew that I used to obsess about it the way I did - I kinda hope that she didn't!
When I was 6, I found the presents for my brother and I that were to be from Santa - beautifully wrapped, and tucked up in the basement rafters (after scrambling atop an old kitched chair that I'd put on top of the old deep freeze). At first I was thoughtful about it, maybe this is how Santa got to everyone's house... dropped things off early? Upon closer examination, I noticed that his handwriting and mom's handwriting were the same - no just similar - the same! Tears stung my eyes, I was disappointed. Even though I was seaching for clues to the truth of Santa, I really didn't want to find out that it was all pretend. I tucked everything back in the rafters, climbed down, stowed the chair back in the storage room, and put on my first 'pretend' happy face at the tree on Christmas morning. I never said anything to my mom until many years later.
Then there was the form letter that the post office sends you when you write a letter to Santa... I remember the first one I opened, my little hands shook I was so caught up in the excitement, magic, and disbelief that I could be so lucky - Santa wrote me a letter back, and it even had my name on it! The next year I was less excited... I noticed that the letter had Name:__________ on the top of it, and because I opened the envelope (before my mom thought to intervene) the name slot was blank. I remember thinking "Oh, this is one of those grown up things that they do to make us feel special... Santa really couldn't write back to all of us, of course that's just silly!" In the final year of my letters to Santa when the reply arrived I noticed that not only did it not have my name on top, but it was exactly the same as the letter my brother got, and identical to the one I had just pulled out of the Christmas box from the year before. Either the letter wasn't really from Santa, or Santa was really lazy and thoughtless. Harumph! Disgusted, I crumpled it up and put it in the trash. That was the same year I found the presents in the rafters.
Even now I recognize that truth about myself, that I often go looking for answers that I don't really want - and then I'm disappointed when I find them. I don't like not knowing, and even though it takes away some of the fun of the moment, I have this incessant need to know everything I can know, to understand what's behind the magic and mystery in the world.
One thing I'm coming away from this year with is knowing that sometimes it's best to just be wrapped up in the magic of the moment, without concern for the how and why of getting there, or what makes things 'just so.' Knowing how and why doesn't always make it better or more meaningful. I remind myself again, I don't need to know how, I don't need to know why... it's magic! Think less, feel more! And I think that if you believe in your heart that something is good and true and real (even if you can't explain it!) then it becomes true. So I believe... in magic, in mystery and wonder, and in the infinte goodness of the universe - especially at this time of year.
My "Universe" message from today...
If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you, Shauna. A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny. You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether, so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.
A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.
To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.
Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.
This is the time of year we celebrate you.
Supercoolhappylovething, you are, Shauna.
Bowing before Greatness,
The Universe
I hope that the mystery, magic and wonder of the holiday season bring you happiness, joy and hopefulness to last to whole year through... Merry Christmas!
Things to do... +10/-5 every year
The list would look very different if it started before my travels began, but in the here and now, here is where it's at...
2009 List: 1. Finish my master's degree 2. Become fluent in another language 3. See something from at least 6 of the 7 continents (asia, north america (Mexico), south america, europe, africa, australia; antarctica - no thank you!) 4. Create a list of 100 books I would like to read 5. Take piano lessons 6. Learn functional Spanish Enter a 5km race and finish it 8. Make a list of 100 places I’d like to travel 9. Make myself a nice dress 10. Plant a garden of wildflowers (June 2009) 11. Take a yoga class (Korea 2010) 12. Try Bikram yoga (Korea 2010) 13. Learn to make 3 Korean dishes well 14. Be debt free 15. Be certified as an Advanced Open Water Diver (Thailand 2010) 16. Be certified as a Divemaster 17. Take the 4-week course in Thailand to finish diving certification to become an Instructor 18. Dive the Great Barrier Reef 19. Have a baby, become a mamma 20. Start a diveshop with an attached coffee/sandwich shop somewhere hot and beautiful 21. Go on a temple stay to a Buddhist Temple (Korea 2010) 22. Learn how to fly a plane 23. Learn how to sail 24. Ride a camel in the desert because it's the mode of transport (not a tourist trap) 25. Kayak into a cave to explore 26. Dive a shipwreck 27. See a big angelfish in the "wilds" (Thailand 2010) 28. Lounge on a beach along the mediterranean 29. Make a trek through a desert 30. Exercise regularly (at least 3 days per week) 31. Grow a vegetable garden (Alberta 2009) 32. Skate in Central Park 33. Live in India 34. Go to Mardi Gras 35. Visit an old section of the Great Wall, and hike along it 36. Spend a 3-day pass exploring Angkor Wat in SiemReap 37. Scuba dive somewhere in Canada 38. Spend the day at a spa luxuriating in spa treatments 39. Take a sketching class 40. Take a digital photography course 41. Travel in Sri Lanka 42. Explore the pyramids and the sphinx in Egypt 43. Learn to surf 44. Figure out why I'm obsessed about Ireland 45. Go to Machu Picchu 46. Study a martial art (for at least 6 months) 47. Drive around on a motorcycle in Vietnam 48. Go cliff diving 49. Keep a travel journal 50. Learn how to bellydance 51. Take a hot-air balloon ride 52. Learn to play badduk 53. Camp in a country other than Canada or the US 54. Go horseback riding in the mountains 55. See the Grand Canyon 56. Carve something nice out of wood 57. Take my mom on a vacation somewhere (Hawaii 2010) 58. Go on a multi-day kayaking trip somewhere beautiful 59. Visit a floating village 60. See a cave of crystal 61. Keep a journal going for one year (electronic or paper) 62. Design and make a piece of jewelery 63. Take a wilderness survival course 64. Order lunch from a floating market vendor 65. Learn how to paint with watercolors 66. Consult a medicine person or traditional healer 67. Ride in a horse-drawn carriage 68. Go parasailing 69. Go spelunking 70. Actually teach scuba diving 71. Take a cruise somewhere (maybe when I'm old!) :) 72. Learn to be a decent chess player 73. Visit a tribe of people somewhere who still live traditionally 74. Learn to make paper with flowers 75. Visit the ruins of a famous Greek or Roman temple 76. Learn to ballroom dance and perform once in front of people 77. Take a gondola in Venice 78. Go on a photo safari on a wildlife preserve in Africa 79. Participate in an active (i.e. real) archaeological dig 80. Go to Carnival in Brazil 81. Live in Italy 82. See an otter playing in the wild 83. Build a birdfeeder that birds actually use 84. Take some great photos underwater (Thailand 2010) 85. Go rafting (whitewater or not) 86. Live on an island somewhere 87. Volunteer in a country other than Canada 88. Climb to the top of a "famous" mountain 89. Become a "Dr." of something 90. Learn a song in a foreign language 91. Grow my own roses 92. Keep up on my blog 93. Host a dinner party for friends 94. Get a henna design done on my hand or foot in India 95. Sell some of my hand-made cards 96. Live somewhere in Africa 97. Visit a volcano 98. Go on a bicycle tour 99. Try snowboarding 100. Go to the coliseum in Rome 2010 Additions: 101. Go spelunking 102. Visit a city carved into a mountain or hillside 103. Make a scrapbook 104. Join a choir for fun 105. Make prints of some of my photos for the wall 106. Get to RSD dearmouring course 107. Finish the Red Lodge program 108. Visit my friends in the US 109. Take a train trip in Canada somewhere 110. 2011 Additions: 111. Sundance again 112. Join a recreational sport 113. Live in a big Canadian city 114. Go back to indoor climbing for fun 115. Eat a scorpion on a stick 116. Take a kid camping 117. See a live concert of a group/artist I really enjoy 118. Volunteer with the police again 119. Counsel kids 120. Go paragliding
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