Most people think that the mind and the body are separate and function independently. I think it's more true to say that these two usually work together in shaping what becomes of our experiences. Sometimes what's going on in our head can reduce or eliminate the effects of physical problems, other times it can exacerbate them. Have you ever found yourself to get sick with seemingly no explanation? Have you ever thought about what was going on in your life, and how it might be impacting your physical health? I'm not talking about the (a) stub your toe (b) toe hurts like crazy kind of pain, I mean more of the bigger picture, pains or illnesses that you have that don't have that stub-pain foundation.
I think there's something to the idea that your body goes out of its way to accommodate the things going on in your mind - just the way the universe goes out of its way to accommodate your thoughts. Maybe the body does it to help you see what you're doing to yourself though, compared to the universe, which does it because your thoughts set the path you lay before yourself. Maybe you get laryngitis and lose your voice because you won't or can't speak, say what you need to say to someone in your life? Maybe your muscles seize up and you can no longer turn your head because you don't want to look around and see what's happening around you? Maybe you get chronic diarhhea because you allow yourself to be treated poorly, taking in only the 'shitty' things in life (shit in, shit out)?That's one theory anyway... Interesting to think about anyway, as I head for the bath to nurse my own aches and pains.
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