It’s not good to bring your personal problems to work, especially when you work with other people as part of your job. You're supposed to tuck them away in a neat little box that you keep under the kitchen sink, where your problems can wait and wind themselves up until you get back to them after work. I know this, and I believe it’s right and true most of the time – but you know what? Some days I just really don’t care.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t get enough sleep. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough leaving the house to make sure the dark fuzzy forms of my 'personal problems' weren’t still glommed on to the bottoms of my socks or tucked away deep in my pockets, but they are sneaky little pests. They found their way to work with me this morning, and I can't seem to get away from the little bastards.
I am not happy, and I am not having a good day, and though it’s very early in the day for that kind of attitude that’s where I’m at. I don't care if you don't like it. I don’t feel like smiling, I don’t feel like laughing at stupid jokes, I don’t care about what lame boring things my coworkers did on their weekends, and I don’t feel like putting on my rose-colored glasses so I can get through the day. This isn’t my normal state, normally I can smile and nod with the best of them, keeping my eyes from glazing over, sometimes even interested in what went on. Today is not one of those days.
Luckily for me my patient had the courtesy to be late in her return to the hospital from her weekend at home, though the family didn’t bother to let us know, so I don’t actually have to see anyone until 1pm. I can work on my behavioural notes from last week and stew. Maybe by 1 o’clock I’ll be able to scrape these guys off the bottoms of my socks and pick them out of the dark corners of my pockets so I care about what’s going on here again more than what’s going on in my grumpy head.
Think it'll be best to take some time to myself tonight. Well, just me and the dark fuzzy bad guys. Are you listening fuzzies? You, me, outside at the bike racks after school. Grrrowl...
i hate those days...
how did the brawl at the bike racks go?? hope you got the best of them!!
Thanks for the note Daff... Mannnnn, I was cranky! I went to bed early to try and sort myself out, but apparently that wasn't what was needed (they fuzzies just attached themselves to my dreams). I'll get them out today!!
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